Jan 08
You guys have been asking…here ya go…
Annoy Your Friends
Our friend James on Twitter (@jpop100) asked for something this morning that we’ve had quite a few requests for…our songs. We’ve had a good deal of people not only ask for some of the original songs but also the intro music that was created for us by Brock at Starlight Studios. (Sorry…can’t let you grab that one for free. It’s not ours…it’s Brock’s. Gotta respect the studio, ya dig?) So here’s ya go…we hope you enjoy. I’ll have to track down the …
Jan 06
Show #143 – Tom and Dan go to the Flea World. (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
…if you thought the zoo was bad! (Oh my…you have no idea…)
HAHAHAHA…yeah…this was the worst one yet!
It’s exactly what it says plus a special appearance by Airbrush Pete that we had to censor because he obvious holds in a ton of hate…and another special appearance by “creepy book man.” (We have no idea who he is…but chances are he wants to skin you for a book.)
Grab a 2 dollar 24 ounce draft and join in…
Dan’s pissed because he never got his helicopter.
Really …
Jan 06
We won “Best Podcast” in TheDailyCity.com Best of Orlando 2012!!!
Annoy Your Friends
If you’re attempting to do anything hip around the city of Orlando (is that even possible?)…if you’re looking for something fun to do…if you’re trying to get a hold of some food trucks…arts, entertainment, music…FOOD…anything…
…well then TheDailyCity.com is the website to check out. We use it all the time and are honored to have won “Best Podcast” by their fine site. Now granted…we were going up against a ‘cast that’s not even around anymore…and we’ve even attempted to eliminate the …
Jan 04
They shipped…bitch.
Annoy Your Friends
I should have told you yesterday. If you ordered over the holidays or before New Years…you should get a lil’ treat soon!
Jan 02
“Tom and Dan Intern Download Fly-Away” contest…
Annoy Your Friends
Some of you have been asking for more information regarding the “Tom and Dan Intern Download Fly-Away” contest that we’ve really not been talking about very much during our shows. (Here’s the thing, I’m pretty sure that we were both drinking when we made the claim that the winner would be flown to our studio to do the show…and now we’re f’n stuck!)
Rules are created by both Tom and Dan and can slightly change when we’d like.
All states and countries are eligible …
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