Dec 25
What’s harder to watch?
Annoy Your Friends
Dec 23
“Yes Virginia…there IS a Jesus dildo!”
Annoy Your Friends
So…you might remember a few shows ago, Tom and I debated whether or not my Dad had a blue, ceramic “Jesus dildo” that was a dick on one side but then when you turned it over…it was “Jesus” or a monk or something?
Yep…it’s real. And not only is it real but my Mom set it aside as an early Christmas gift for me! I LOVE IT!
…but am I the only person that finds it highly sacrilegious that you’d make, form and paint …
Dec 23
Annoy Your Friends
This is how my wife packs for 2 days in my hometown! 5 bags, hanging clothing…really? Do we really need to bring all of this for 2 fucking days? Should I rent a bus for traveling to just so we can travel in excess as well? I still love her but DAMN!
Dec 22
Show #141 – Merry #Snootsmas (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
Happy Holidays everyone and thanks for supporting the show! This is the last show that we’re doing before the “big God holiday” so we wanted to get back into the studio and make this one EXTRA LARGE! Hopefully, by this time next week, we’ll be good to go and have the new website fully running and usable for you guys. We’re really, really excited about it…
On this weeks show:
Tom thinks that Christmas is a scam.
Did people like or hate the “Zoocast?” Stinker …
Dec 22
Tom, Dan, and Channel 4’s RudeTube…finally edited…
Annoy Your Friends
I finally got around to editing and converting the part of RudeTube that we were on for their end of the year special called “Extreme Rides.” They were nice enough to allow us to use the parts that we were in so you US listeners get to check it out. In case you were wondering, yes, they did send a producer to interview us for a combined time of 14 seconds. All in all, we can’t thank the …
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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