Jan 06
Show #143 – Tom and Dan go to the Flea World. (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
…if you thought the zoo was bad! (Oh my…you have no idea…)
HAHAHAHA…yeah…this was the worst one yet!
It’s exactly what it says plus a special appearance by Airbrush Pete that we had to censor because he obvious holds in a ton of hate…and another special appearance by “creepy book man.” (We have no idea who he is…but chances are he wants to skin you for a book.)
Grab a 2 dollar 24 ounce draft and join in…
Dan’s pissed because he never got his helicopter.
Really pissed.
Some pictures:
“Just Us” – We want this painting SO bad…
Tom’s Mini Choppers…only 35 bucks and they’re fucking rad!
The 100 dollar MEGA CHOPPER that Tom wants to buy! We’re getting this for sure!
A helicopter shaped like an eagle? Oh yeah…bitch…
Only 450 dollars…minor damage. Minor. MINOR.
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