Apr 24
Stabbing an elephant with an oversized toothbrush.
Annoy Your Friends
We’re very lucky that we have amazing listeners that will send us art. (Really good art!) This is from a few shows ago and wasn’t even anything that we mentioned wanting to see “come to life” but it’s frigg’n amazing!
“Goodbye Razzles” shirts are coming in this week as well as a new shipment of T&D “Cool dude” hats. I know that we’ve had quite a few ladies that have been asking for their sizes in a few things. If you were to …
Apr 21
Annoy Your Friends
Lots of love and special thanks to the ever kind and talented photographer Brent Mathews for taking these amazing photos from “Diá de los Mediocres 2012!!!” If you need anything photo related…be a real doll-baby and head over to his site and throw him some work. (I know a few of you assholes are thinking of getting married…or have bands…or have kids that need to look less ugly. Hit him up…he’s fantastic!) His site can be found at www.brentmathewsphotography.com
Grab the photo …
Apr 20
SHOW #158 – Fingering Holograms. Really. (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
First of all…make sure that you guys head out and support Ross who’s going to be out at Trinity Tattoo’s Fusion Festival tonight at their Longwood location. Ross is going to be out there as “Ben Franklin” and he’ll have #AMT merch and his kid’s own “duck tape wallets.” Grab something and go support Trinity Tattoo who have always been massive supporters of “A Mediocre Time.”
On today’s show:
Our first show from the new “Studio 1A”
Etchie from RampantRadio.com
Moving Sucks
The studio shower
One Fat Chick
Stolen …
Apr 12
SHOW #157 – Mitch Married a Mermaid. (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
First of all, Tom and I would love to thank all of you for rating us 5 stars on iTunes and leaving us a little comment. That’s really, really cool…thanks guys! It means more than you know! You guys support so many of our cockamamie schemes and for that you are AWESOME!
On today’s show we had special guest Mitch English from the Daily Buzz! (Make sure and check out the “Big and Tall Comedy Tour” he’s doing right now. Go to
Apr 11
In case you missed us on Leno last night…
Annoy Your Friends
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The Show
Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.