Oct 06
741 – Dirty Dads
Annoy Your Friends
741 – Dirty Dads**Full Notes for the T&D LIVE Stream**:1. **Strike Alert**: Seth has decided to go on strike. Why, and what are his demands?2. **Negotiating with Tom**: How does Tom respond to Seth’s strike, and what’s the outcome of their negotiations?3. **EJ’s Input**: Regular caller EJ drops in with his two cents on the situation.4. **Raise Poll**: The debate heats up as a call-in poll pits Seth against Sam for a raise. Who will the listeners favor?5. **Game Night Observations**: Speculations …Read More!Sep 29
740-See Ya at Sniffies
Annoy Your Friends
1. **Concert Woes**: Tom’s less than enthusiastic anticipation for the NOFX show.2. **Venue Gripes**: A collective groan about the Orlando Ampitheater, hailed as possibly the worst venue they’ve experienced.3. **Staycation Tales**: Tom & Dan share their candid reviews about the Grand Bohemian.4. **Orlando Underbelly**: Delving into the concerns over downtown gang issues.5. **Home Nomo**: Exploring what it’s all about and its implications.6. **The Unpleasant**: A curious investigation into Feces gate and the notorious Doodoo Alley.7. **A Mural of Mischief**: The mystifying case …Read More!Sep 08
737 – Crooked Pecker Magoo
Annoy Your Friends
* Dan sets the pace with his Peloton jams.
* The debate: Dog car seats – necessity or luxury?
* A scenic walk around Lake Eola – what’s not to love?
* Dreaming of Alaskan adventures.
* Spotting Magoo around town.
* A rather unexpected invitation to swing.
* The mysterious art of “Cooking the eggs.”
* Grandpa’s intriguing tales about his crooked pecker.
* The secret world of bathhouses.
* T&D debut on Cameo!
* A shocking revelation on QVC: Santa …Sep 01
736 – Hanging with Mr Purple
Annoy Your Friends
– Kick off with a special appearance from **nationally touring comedian Dan Cummins**.
– Learn about his new YouTube comedy special, and explore the diverse range of content he offers. Dive into podcasts like “Timesuck” and “Scared to Death”. All the details and his new comedy special link can be found [here](https://dancummins.tv/).– Experience the “Cummins Curse” firsthand as internet glitches plague the show:
– Video problems make for a comedic disaster during Dan Cummins’ interview. With consistent tech issues each time …Aug 18
734 – Magical Moon Lagoon
Annoy Your Friends
**Exploring Whimsical Topics and Everyday Musings:**
– Tom delves into his “good ideas,” sparking a conversation about creativity and innovation.
– The hosts discuss the concept of letting go and allowing life’s chains to guide us in unexpected directions.
– The topic shifts to the intriguing notion of a “magical moon lagoon” and the whimsy it evokes.
– The hosts share amusing anecdotes, including Tom’s experience of sitting on a pile of mud.**The Great Hot Dog War and Culinary Adventures:**
– The …Donate to
The ShowTom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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