May 10
Show #211 – Nudity and Beer! (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
Today’s show was the thing that dreams are made of. Two hot guys that talk for a living combined with some of the most amazing beers that you’ve ever had EVER. Combine that with amazing news from Ross and you have one of the best shows that we’ve ever had ever. (Or that just might be the beer talking.) Thanks to Lucas from Cigar City Brewing, Alissa and Jarred from Brown Distributing for stopping by and giving us the 411 on American …
May 08
A quick AMT survey.
Annoy Your Friends
Hey guys,
We’ve really been sitting on this for a while but we’d love it if you could help us out and fill out this really, really really quick survey. It’s not only for us but it’s also for our hosting company Wizzard Media. Feel free to put your email address in or not…it really doesn’t matter. We just need honest answers on everything else. It’s super simple and should take you less than 30 seconds.
Thanks in advance!
May 07
BDM Kegger Info!
Annoy Your Friends
By now, those of you who are BDM members should have received your digital invitation. This is nothing more than a reminder for the front page of the website. To those of you who are NOT members yet, we’re terribly sorry but you’ll have to sign up and be included in the next “premium” 6 month meet-up. Again, if you are a member and if you’re having an issue with your invite or have not received it yet, please email show@TomandDan.com and …
May 03
Show #210 – Funky Bunch and Emergency Whiskey (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
Thanks to all of the “scumbags” that tuned in LIVE for today’s show. We had a great show and tons of fun hanging with Ross, Pedro Lima, Samantha, Floridaldo, and our special guest Attorney Joe Hunchuck. (If you need some legal advice, hit him up. Joseph Hunchuck P.A. He’s a former sheriff deputy and seems to be a nice guy. Thanks to him for coming in and hanging out.) Today’s show was frigg’n amazingly funny. We hope you have as much fun …
Apr 26
Show #209 – Danger Brain and the Pee Condom. (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
There are very few times when we have a full docket but today was one of those days. First and foremost we had Kostya Kimlat, our magician friend, back into the show with another one of his magician buddies. This time it was Orlando Magic magician and entertainment and comedy producer Darren Rockwell! Not only was Darren a wonderful guest but Kostya left the studio with a trick that can only be experienced when you witness the Tom and Dan private bathroom. …
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