Dec 23
“Yes Virginia…there IS a Jesus dildo!”
Annoy Your Friends
So…you might remember a few shows ago, Tom and I debated whether or not my Dad had a blue, ceramic “Jesus dildo” that was a dick on one side but then when you turned it over…it was “Jesus” or a monk or something?
Yep…it’s real. And not only is it real but my Mom set it aside as an early Christmas gift for me! I LOVE IT!
…but am I the only person that finds it highly sacrilegious that you’d make, form and paint a giant (and I do mean GIANT) Son of God dick? (It’s ceramic and I guess the story is it came from a pottery class that a good friend of my Father’s took almost 40 years ago. You know…those classes where you pick and fire your own piece and then paint it?)
Merry Dicksmas
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