Jun 04
Annoy Your Friends
So it looks like we’re once again up for a bunch of awards for this years “Orlando Weekly – Best of Orlando 2015!” I know that we really didn’t mention it much this year but now that we’re nominated, we might as well go through with it like we always do, right?
June 3-July 12 is the final round of voting and I do believe that you can only vote once – but feel free to make good use of those extra email accounts that you have to hide your porn sites and cheating from your spouse. On a side note, this is the first year that we’ve been in the “Best Local Radio Station” category and I would really love to win that one. To me, it’s just a giant, inflatable middle finger…I’m sure you understand.
Here are the categories that we’re listed in:
Best Kept Secret
Best Guilty Pleasure
Best Local Website
Best Local Big Shot
Best Local Blog
Best Local Radio Station (This one really makes me laugh! LET’S WIN THIS!!!)
Best Local Radio Personality
Bet Local Radio Show (AND THIS ONE TOO!!!)
Best Local Twitter Feed
Best Local Facebook Page
Not of course we would love to win all of these. That’s the goal so yeah…
Thanks to all of you who nominated basically without us asking. You never cease to amaze us as the best listeners in the entire world.
Get to voting!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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