Sep 08
Venezuelan Leo’s Chow Chow Photos!
Annoy Your Friends
More than many of you have been asking to see the photoshopped chow chow photos from Venezuelan Leo’s call to the show on Friday. Trust us when we tell you that they DO NOT disappoint. Thanks, as always, to Leo for the call and thanks for sending us a visual companion to the call. I swear to God I feel like I’m using one of those “You’ll know it is time to turn the page” records that I used to love as a kid. Enjoy the photos and you BDM members, we’ll have shows for you guys in a few hours. We’ve got a but of a later start today because of the Orlando City SC awards gala that we had to host last night. Just trying not to over due it.
Have a great Monday and enjoy these terribly shitty photoshopped photos! (Notice that the first two pictures are exactly the same! Bahahahaha! And where’s the dogs arm in the third photo? Priceless. Fucking priceless.)
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