Jan 22
Show #604 – Boner Butt
Annoy Your Friends
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Hey there, gang! We hope that these show notes find you well and happy Friday! We made it! So, I’m about to close up shop and the question of the hour is, where the hell are the new Tom and Dan hats that we ordered a few months ago!?! Man…they said that they shipped on the 15th and now I’m starting to get worried. Oh, small business fun! LOL Let’s get to the good stuff:On this week’s show:
* Choppering on the Publix Pilgrimage
* Crystal makes Butler nervous
* Everything is a dong
* Crystal’s TMJ
* What is romance?
* Cincinnati stickup
* Concrete robot
* Claudia call in to talk about her romantic fiance
* “The string is wrapped around my boner” -Tom Vann
* Religious hospitals
* Milk your t’s!
* Unlimited BJs for a year to have another baby
* Chomp job * 90s Winnie the Pooh
* Bon Jovi at the inauguration
* Could you kill a bird with your boner?
* 100th day of school-themed day…
Have a wonderful and safe weekend and thanks for all of the support and interaction that you guys bring to the show. It means more than you could ever understand. ♥️ See ya Monday! – d
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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