Aug 23
Show #535 – AT&Mr.T
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there, gang!Before we get to the notes, here’s how to find us!
Other podcasts aggregates or scrapers:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan/id308614478
TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre-Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-Podcast-p393884/
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH
On this week’s show:
* Travi Paul Randy
* Skating with Tom’s family
* The Podca$t Movement convention/show
* Chris Fisher does the news!
* More Beer Talk, surprised?
* Pooping on concrete!
* BDMs are the best – T&D explain– d
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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