Feb 18
Show #508 – Birthday 3 Way
Annoy Your Friends
How the heck is you, fine listeners of “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan!” I hope these show notes find you rested and happy after that beautiful weekend. (I guess this would only be the case for those of us who live in the Central Florida area. I know a lot of you that are out of state aren’t really having a great time this year with all of the cold. My apologies.)
With that said, please enjoy our latest “Friday Free Show” offering and it was Tom’s birthday! And for those of you who like it awkward, you’re going to love the end of the show when Tom goes full “sex awkward” and then actually embraces it. Nothing makes me happier.
On this week’s show:
- Tom’s birthday!
- Tom got a speeding ticket
- Maisie’s running a playground money game
- Genitalia terminology
- BJ coupon book
- Jet ski Michael Winslow
- Blippi’s poo video
- Fart gas mask
- Tom’s bday threesome
Thanks to all of you who caught the show LIVE on Twitch and thanks to all of you who watch the replays later on YouTube. If you’d like to check out all of our show that we’ve live streamed, head over to www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive or our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AMediocreTime
All of our toons are on there, the old school Tom and Dan shorts…there’s all kinds of great stuff on there! Make sure you like and subscribe – it really helps us out!
Have a fantastic Monday and we’ll see you guys later today for the OG, BDM, and ACT shows!
All the best,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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