Feb 09
Show #507 – Kenny’s Roger
Annoy Your Friends
Hey, there my little darlings! (This is how my daughter addresses all of the stuffed animals on her bed. It’s sort of creepy.)
I hope these show notes find all of you well on this rather amazing looking, Saturday morning!
Some of the things that Tom and I have to deal with as small business owners, would actually blow your minds! Or maybe not. Maybe you own a small business and you deal with this S too, but let’s just say that what Tom and I were doing last night while I was editing was arguably one of the strangest and most willy-nilly things that I’ve ever done in my life! Hahaha… Who knows if we’ll ever get to tell you about it but I’m hoping so. I think you guys would like to know a little bit more of the day to day and the behind the scenes. So, the show…ah, yes!
On this week’s show:
- General Bumbling
- Retired race dogs/Herpes monkeys riding greyhounds
- Homeless man loitering around Tom’s kids school
- Bumando
- Tom wants to write a screenplay
- The maddest man in the world
- Tyra Banks theme park- Modelland
- Dan gets jealous of Andrea’s model partner
- Kenny Rogers nephew stories
- Sausage hotel
- Robot pets
- Lime bikes
- Super Bowl events
- Tom and Frankie
Thanks, as always, to everyone who caught the show live on Twitch. If you haven’t checked out the live feed, this is something new that we’ve been doing for about a year. The best part is that you actually get to see what we’re doing, how we’re reacting, and all of the stuff that we’re talking about LIVE on camera and it adds a whole different element to the podcast. Head over to www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive to watch LIVE, for show replays, or to donate to the production cost of the show. And another new thing that I’ve been doing is consolidating and editing the “Friday Free Show” down and then uploading it to YouTube. This makes it a little easier to check out if the thought of Twitch is intimidating to you or if you’re possibly not familiar. You can find that HERE! Don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel for all videos and Tom and Dan toons!
On that note – thanks to Sam, Travis, Bus, and all who sat in – and nothing but multitudes and buckets of love for all of you who listen and continue to be the best F’n listeners in the world!
Love ya,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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