Jan 26
Show #505 – Adult Game Night Power Outage
Annoy Your Friends
The power went out.
And it was during the very last portion of the show! It’s was unlike anything that I’ve ever seen in power outages and extremely creepy. All of a sudden, all of the lights (we have standard fluorescents) started flickering in different patterns and going in and out rapidly. Sam, being Sam, started freaking out and I have to tell you I was right there with her! Thankfully, the battery backup systems that I’ve put in place worked and we could have actually kept recording through the entire outage. Score one for neuroses.
On this week’s show, we tried to take it back to normal. We know that the last couple of shows have either been on different days or crazy as F so we hope that you really enjoyed us taking it back to what I personally think that we do best – shoot the S.
- Busdeker’s nicotine stache
- String the dick in the sink
- Dan recorded a Samantics episode
- Tom’s Colorado trip
- Tommy and Max ski lessons
- Tommy loves Pink Panther
- Tom teaches his kids to lie about their age
- Fyre Festival documentary
- Government shutdown and airports
- Kissing after a blowjob
- Male cheerleaders at Super Bowl
- Ketchup caviar
- Tom squeezes Butler’s finger with his toes
- Adult game nights
- Power went out!
If you haven’t seen any of our shows on Twitch, I think you’re really missing out. The best thing about this streaming platform is that you CAN catch the show live if you’re so inclined or if you have the time. But, if that’s not something that you can do, you can go back and watch older shows that are saved in our podcast library. It really is a great platform to watch, listen, and chat with other people that enjoy AMT. If you’re new to all of this, here’s a link: www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive – We’re going to try to do more and more with this platform and we’re mega excited!
Thanks to Sam, Travis and The Bus for always working so hard bringing their A game. They’re the best!
Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you guys on Monday for all-new BDM and OG shows. (Yes, I know that we owe you an extra OG from last week. I’ll make it up to you. That’s a Dan Dennis promise.)
All the best,
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