Jul 15
Show #478 – Tommy Buffett
Annoy Your Friends
Wow. I really took my time on that one, huh? It’s really hard to justify sitting at the studio and typing up the show notes when I could be just sitting at a restaurant with my wife and daughter and eating the finest of fajitas. Do you like-a-the fajitas? Man. That’s like one of my top three things to eat and I think that I could eat them morning noon and night. It’s like a fancier taco that you have to make yourself. I like to work and I’m a self-starter, so it’s like the perfect meal for me. I digress.
This week we had the pleasure of having Chris Fisher from BYOCB podcast stop by the program. If you’re not familiar with him, he’s a damn fine broadcaster and a great friend. The Orlando podcast community is amazing and they never cease to amaze me, not only with talent but with love and friendship. Sappy? Maybe. But I’m more than ok with that. Fisher sat in on news and can’t I rant for a second about having Samantha full-time and how much I love it? When I say that she helps with every aspect of the show – I mean EVERY aspect of the show. I think just about the only thing that she does not do is remind us to get up and empty our bladders, which would be a strange thing for her to say and a little gross. Moving on.
On this week’s show:
-Alyson from Rebecca Creek is here
-Tom’s first pedicure
-Erogenous Jones
-Bing Bong alarm
-Live on live with Jim Colbert
As always, thanks for listening, watching LIVE on Twitch and supporting the show! We love you guys and we’re damn proud of this community that we have all come together to create. Have a wonderful Sunday – Go France – and we’ll talk to you all next week!
All the best,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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