Jan 19
SHOW #454 – 4 HOT DOGS, 1 BUN
Annoy Your Friends
Hi everyone,
Lee here. My last post was magically deleted so let’s pretend this is my first time writing on the site. Long week of recording as Tom is going to be away for 9 days. That means in 10 days we’re gonna have some stories of bumbling and bad decisions. I’m headed to Porky’s with Sam and gonna treat myself after 2 weeks of eating like a grown-up who is also poor and single. The treadmill hurt my back so I guess exercise hates me as much as just laying in bed.
-Ms. Laura Diaz is here! Face of a feminist
-Nanny life
-Jackin my molars
-4 hot dogs, 1 bun
-Pretty Willy
-Toot toot goes the clit train
-Crystals are stupid
-Tom’s failed rocket launch experience
Here’s a little bonus for you. I’ve attached the video of those damn raccoons ruining Tom’s hard work…that he used to pay for someone to lay concrete.
Thanks for reading. Remember to be good and listen to Little Richard!
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