Jan 09
Annoy Your Friends
I’m obviously awful at this.
In an attempt to NOT say the phrase “full transparency” I’m just going use the hashtag “#RealTalk” instead. So here’s the deal; when we get done with the show on Friday’s, we’re all taxed and ready to go home. I always think that I’m going to be able to make my show notes later that night but then the family aspect of life gets in the way, and then life moves on. I’m sorry guys. I’ve just got to be better at show notes.
On this week’s show:
-Elevator IBS lady
-North Korea – full ballistics
-The Dennis family spent New Years Day at the Vann’s
-Andrea caught Dan wacking it
-Tom can’t use Google calendar
-Old lady and her grass
-Sour cream squeeze tube
-Life is hard
-Twisty ass hairs
-Curb stomp the ass
-Sticking things in orifices
-Fast food trends of 2018
-Fast food Jesus is here aka Alex from BYOCB podcast
Thanks to all of you for listening and Tom and I hope that you’re digging the Twitch.tv streams as well. We’ve been having a good time with it, and it’s sort of where everything is heading.
All the best and we’ll be talking to you!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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