Oct 30
Annoy Your Friends
I ate too many sugar cookies. No seriously. I did.
Apologies for writing to you guys so damned late. I know, I know – but the weekend and not having to work on it sort of got away from me! I’m not used to actually having the time to sit and just do nothing and apparently it was much needed because I took advantage of every single moment. I was able to play video games – wash my scooter – play Peppa pig with Mai – cook a badass breakfast for the girls – all of that! It was fantastic. If only I hadn’t neglected the show notes or if only Maisie knew how to type, I’d just tell her to do it!
On this week’s show:
-Adam Conover calls in
-Ratings myths
-Jimmy 159 is here
-The show is falling apart! #442
-Carrot hot dogs
-6-pound sh*t vein
-Veggie whaaaaa???
-Jimmy’s barbershop story
-The falling feather
-Conning children
-Diabetes wizard- Purple everything
-Poofin your cooch
-The Orlando Unicorn truck trade for Sam
-Tom is podcast Xhibit
-Morning show whiteheads
It was a biggie and it’s always a freak’n blast to have Dirty Jim come in and hang with us. Dude is going to be killing it soon with his very own show on Real Radio 104.1 and we could not be more excited for him! He’s always supported and beat the T&D drum and we’re really looking forward to seeing what he’s got in store after the first of the year. Ok. I’m out. See you guys on the BDM shows.
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