Oct 21
Annoy Your Friends
Hey, there gang!
I hope this show recap finds you well and we’re always happy to have you hang out with us for yet another “Friday Free Show.” As always, we had a really, really, REALLY great time! So…on this week’s show:
-Government spending
-Tom is not affectionate
-King of quinoa
-Tommy got slime in his hair
-The gingerbread man
-Barfing Fidel Castro
This was a fun week but I’ll be honest and say that sh*t can be really, really heavy. I never thought that owning and running a company could be this difficult but I’ve got to tell you; if you’re ever thinking about starting your own company or small business – please make sure that you don’t have anxiety issues if you do! Haha…nothing is wrong – I assure you of that but – and we mentioned this on the show a little bit – but I’m having a bit of a rough patch when it comes to anxiety issues. No idea why and why it happens now or anytime – but it does and that’s just why it’s such an evil, evil beast. Well…I’m out. Off to see the ladies and to hopefully have a nice relaxing evening.
Sorry about this being some of the lamest show notes ever but I’m just not feeling it today. Hahaha…
Talk to you soon,
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