Jun 27
Show #320 – KidneyForKevin.com
Annoy Your Friends
Tom and I have been very blessed (what?) in that our jobs have lead us to some really amazing people. With that said, our friend SBK or Soul Brother Kevin is one of those people. (Pardon for not knowing if I should have made “soul brother” one word. I always just say Kevin!)
Today, besides a normal T&D Friday Free Show, we had the pleasure of sitting down with one of our really, really good friends and shooting it about his recent health issues. Today’s show, although light of heart, will touch on some very true realities about this thing that we call life and the fragility there in.
On today’s show:
-Tom and Dan could be bought out
-Rat tail challenge
-Tug of tails
-Hidden camera videos
-Throwing burritos at cops
-SBK stops by!
–www.kidneyforkevin.com OR www.dwighthowardgrabsthed.com
-Kevin increases Dan’s hypochondria (possible heart failure?)
-Everybody wants to give a kidney when they’re drunk
-Tom’s got a red eye
-Organ transplants in foreign countries
-Real man celebrations
-Dad stories
-BDM ticket debacle
-Tom got a no seatbelt ticket
-Dan’s white Kevin
-BDM Kyle wins
Thanks as always for listening to the show and supporting us and indie broadcasting. I wake up every day proud of what we have been able to accomplish just with you listeners by our side. Have wonderful weekend and we’ll see you next week!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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