• Feb 07

    Show #250 – Black Ranger Fish


    Annoy Your Friends


      Thanks to everyone for listening and we can’t say enough how freaking happy we are to be back in the “A Mediocre Time” studio. I’m super sick and Tom’s got more than enough on his plate with the impending baby and everything. Nothing is more comfortable then actually being home, in the studio, and feeling how we del best! Thanks to all of you that tuned in live. It means more than you know. Seriously. And #BDM Members, please give us a little time to figure everything out with your messed up accounts. The thing is, if you let it sit for too long, it will eventually cancel it self out and then when you login, you will eventually have to put your card number in every single time. BUT…the kicker is that you ARE NOT being charged for the #BDM account. Sadly, because some people are taking advantage of it, that’s why we’ve got to make sure that we stay on top of the delinquent accounts.

      On today’s show:

      Dan freaks out about their trip to the strip club.

      Devil went down to the “Garden of Eden.”

      Real man Yelp review

      Tom prepares to meet the Nanny

      Olympico Poppadopulis

      Birth Story

      Tom is the “BraveHeart” of doo

      Mexican fisherman mystery

      Ross’ Pouch

      Slimer-new name for ……..

      Juan and the Chili Cook Off

      Scumbag Chris


      We’ll see you guys next week!


      Posted By dan on February 7 2014 | Comments (0 )


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