Jul 13
Show #168 – Goodbye Little T! (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
Thanks as always for downloading and hanging with “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” This week we say goodbye to the best guest that we’ve ever had…Tiffany Martin of the band Dollface. Most of you that know what our day job is will know that we’ve worked with Tiff for almost 10 years and she’s leaving Orlando to head to LA to work on things with her band. We wish her nothing of the best and we were more than happy to have her in the T & D studio one last time to say goodbye. We’ve talked to tons of people in our time but no one is better, funnier, or cooler than Tiffany. Thanks Tiff…Tom and I will miss you with all of our hearts. Truly.
On today’s show:
“Anger Bees” a brand new song
@TiffWorld LIVE in the studio
Tiffany Takes LA
“Boom Snap Clap”
Tiffany and Dollface at the Abbey July 20th…be there!
High thinking…
PO Box 141485, Orlando, FL 32814
Porn at the library
Thanks as always for listening! The “Anger Bees” shirts have been ordered and should be in stock next week. Plus we’re going to have new stickers and a few other surprises for you guys.
Thanks for listening…
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