Dec 22
Show #141 – Merry #Snootsmas (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
Happy Holidays everyone and thanks for supporting the show! This is the last show that we’re doing before the “big God holiday” so we wanted to get back into the studio and make this one EXTRA LARGE! Hopefully, by this time next week, we’ll be good to go and have the new website fully running and usable for you guys. We’re really, really excited about it…
On this weeks show:
Tom thinks that Christmas is a scam.
Did people like or hate the “Zoocast?” Stinker or brilliant?
What is a Douglas Fern?
Tom has a bird now and his wife is showering with it.
Andy is here and he talks about weed, porn and a little more skydiving.
We’re looking for Spuds Mackinzie. (Is that spelled correctly?)
What do the Amish do for Christmas?
As always…happy holiday, guys and thanks for supporting the show! Jizzerton Road shirts are on the site right now! Get them while they last…they’re a super limited run.
Thanks as always for supporting…we love you guys!
Tom, Dan, Ross and Andy (Ross took off before we took this picture. 15 minutes of Dad motorcycle…)
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