Dec 14
Show #190 – D-Rugg, Puke, and the Bulldog.
Annoy Your Friends
Thanks so much too everyone that tuned into today’s Friday FREE show! As always, we will keep every show that we do every Friday FREE. We do offer a subscription package for those of you that want more content and you can find that by using the “sign up” section of TomandDan.com. To those of you that are #BDM status…thank you…you’re really helping me out! As you all know, I’ve made a job change as of right now and by you guys subscribing keeps “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” on iTunes and on TomandDan.com. Thanks so much. It means more than you know…
On today’s show:
“Quarry” Intern Mike’s vomit story
Crime Scene Clean Up
The Expendables Call
Gandalf the Dog
Skydiving Crash
Seattle Caller
Big Ol’ Ti*$ Controversy
Beat That Movie Down with D-Rugg
“Lawrence Fishberg”
Quack Like A Duck Video
Trombone Will calls
No Porno for Sex Offenders
BDM Nunchku
Thanks again, guys…you are all the best. Truly.
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