Aug 08
Saturday – 8-8-15 – “Good morning…”
Annoy Your Friends
Good morning folks!
I hope that this blog post finds you well. I’m sitting here listening to the new Dr. Dre “Compton” album and watching my wife try to trim my newborn daughter’s finger nails. Now THIS is fucking comedy! Maisie loves music! We started with George Michael, a carry over from one of Mommy’s dumb 90’s channels. Then we moved on to Harry Connick Jr. and she loved that classic big band jazz. Then we tried punk rock and she really loved that! I think she likes the intense and staccato rhythm patterns and driving guitars. It makes it easier to rock her and get her close to sleep when you can move – I spend a solid portion of my late afternoons dancing around my house like a teenage girl. It’s insane but I love ever minute of it.
Thanks to all of you that have been checking out, downloading, and participating with the show lately. We’ve been having a great time on all shows. I was a little bummed that the recent Shannon Burke episode of “A Corporate Time” didn’t make it on Real Radio but what can you do? I got a little stick from some folks on Twitter about it but what they don’t understand is that we don’t control what goes on “Real.” We just send over our shows and hope for the best. This is the first time that we’ve ever had a show pulled and more than likely it will NOT be the last. (By the way, that was released as a BDM show so if you’d still like to hear it, you’ll have to sign up as a BDM member.)
The BDM’s know this already because we discussed it on Facebook but it looks like we might be moving the T&D studio. Nothing is set in stone but we are preparing the show to make a move in the near future. We’ve been looking for good areas and it’s actually a lot harder than you would think. It’s important to us to make sure that we don’t waste any space. We need a bigger build out but we don’t need it at the cost of increasing the overhead so much that we can’t keep on the same trajectory. Trust me when I tell you that Tom and I think about this constantly and we’ll keep all of you in the loop with any progressions.
It’s going to be fun kids.
Ok. It looks like Momma needs some help with this little worm and her nails.
Have a fantastic weekend!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.