• Aug 10

    Monday – 8-10-15 – “Tiff!”


    Annoy Your Friends


      My wife and I recently got an unexpected visit from our friend Tiffany Martin. Many of you that really know the show, know Tiff from not only her appearances on the morning show but also when she guests on “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” She’s the best! Like…the absolute BEST! I don’t get to see her as often anymore because she’s living and kicking major ass in Las Vegas but when she does get to town it’s always a pleasure to see her! If you’re not already following her on social media please make sure that you do. Tiffany Martin is one of the reasons that I will always have a soft spot in my heart for radio. I wouldn’t trade the relationships that I’ve made along the way for anything. Good people are so hard to find these days…uh…especially in radio. It’s chock full of assholes. (Blanket statement not made about anyone.)


      In a related yet unrelated note, I just heard that three friends of mine from my terrestrial radio days just got “let go” last week. These types of firings or budget cuts always makes me sad because it’s all part of the corporate machine and can be very emotional. This is a sad reality when you have massive overhead, loads of departments, tons of over inflated and over paid egos, and on and on and on. When I was at Real Radio, we would sit back and watch more and more people get fired. Sometimes it would be the person that might have fucked up a bunch of times and deserved to be let go – other times it would be people that do a shit ton of work and it would leave you wondering why they would have ever let that person go!?! I guess the point of my rambling is just to say that I’m glad that I resigned when I did and couldn’t be happier with my job. I wish nothing but love to all of my friends that were recently let go. Trust me when I tell you that you will be better in leaving. I chose to leave and it was super scary but it was more than the best thing that I ever did! Best of luck and all love and…all love Tiff. Until the next time that you’re in town. – d

      Posted By dan on August 10 2015 | Comments (2 )


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