Apr 22
The BDM ONLY Facebook Group
Annoy Your Friends
So at least 10 times a day, I receive an email asking me about “a mythical place where all BDM’s can meet, greet, and frolic – a land free from judgment and full of questionable pictures.” Most of you know that I’m talking about the “BDM ONLY Facebook Group” that has completely taken over my day to day Facebook feed. And trust me when I tell you that’s a good thing! If you’re like me, you think that most of “normal Facebook” is a shit filled wasteland or the last place that memes and sudo-funny videos go to die. Trust me when I tell you, the “BDM ONLY” group has made Facebook fun again. In an attempt to cut down on the number of emails that I receive asking me about this sacred area of the interwebs, here’s a sensible “How To…”
Find the normal “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” Facebok group page and join it. This is going to be the place that you start. Here’s a link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tomanddan/
I have found that most people have the best luck if they leave a message on the wall of the page. Some people try private messages to me, Tom but it’s way too hard for us to answer all of those personally. Sorry about that. If you leave a message on there then it will be easier for us to make sure that you’re really a BDM and then attempt to get you in the group. Tony says to friend him and send him a message with your email address and he’ll get you in – but also keep in mind that he’s a really busy guy and this could take a little bit of time.
I’m just trying to help out…
…and now you know.
All the best and for those BDM’s who have been left out, I’ll see you in the group.
All the best,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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