Apr 01
Thanks for an amazing 3 years…
Annoy Your Friends
It’s not very often that I get really super worked up or excited about something but last night was truly one of those times; last night was the third anniversary of “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” Up until the time that I started typing, Tom and I have done 155 shows. (I just had to re-read that. It’s hard to even imagine that we accomplished that and we still have fun doing it!) We had at least 500 people there last night at Wall Street Cantina and everyone was down for a good time. There wasn’t one strange event…absolutely drama free FUN! Well…I did get into a shouting match with a homeless man at the end of the night that was claiming that he assisted in carrying a few things while packing up with Tom’s wife. But that was quickly squashed by my wife yelling at me to stop yelling at the homeless for being ULTRA PUSHY about getting money. (She was right but that guy was straight up a dickhead. At least if you’re going to beg for money be fucking nice about it!) I digress…
What I’m babbling about is a long winded attempt at telling all of you thank you. THANK YOU.
When Tom and I started this, we were looking for a fun alternative outlet and a new place to share and grow crazy ideas. We had no idea that it was going to flourish into the cool group that it has and every time we do an event you guys are outstanding reminders of how lucky we are. So once again…THANK YOU!
Thanks to Wall Street Cantina for being (dare I say) the greatest hosts that any “scum bag show” could ever ask for. They had an answer for everything and basically let is get away with anything and everything that we wanted. I have a feeling that we’re going to be back…and all of your feed back suggests that we’ve finally found a home!
Thanks to our wives (and sister of wife) for busting their asses to make sure that you guys got all of the merch that you wanted. We’ve always thought…as long as we can just break-even…we’ll do our best to put out really great merch that’s cool…not fucking lame…and that people will want to wear proudly. (Maybe not proudly…haha…) Our wives are the spine of that and thanks to them for being patient, hard working, and fine as hell.
Thanks to Trinity Tattoo Company in Longwood for a bad ass helicopter obstacle course! Earl Funk (he did all of my tattoos) painted it and Gary made it happen…thanks guys! They have a big event coming up on 4-20 that’s a massive art fusion festival. We’d love to see you guys out there…it’s gonna be a great time. I hear that Ben Franklin (Ross) is even going to be out there hosting a few things and representing the show!!! Go check it out.
Speaking of Ross…thanks to Ross for always helping out and being fucking “Rad Dad.” You’re the best, my friend. “Bring me my kite!” (Thanks to Ross’ wife for allowing him to play radio.)
And on that note…I’ll leave you by saying that it was a fucking hell of a good time and Tom and I can’t wait to do that shit again! We hope that you’ll join us…and make sure and bring a friend.
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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