Mar 17
666 Thanks!
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there s-bags,
In case you didn’t know, the pictures from Saturday’s event are now up on the “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” Flickr account. (If you’re too lazy to search the site that you’re currently reading this on and find the link, you can find your pictures HERE! Special thanks to Tony Rage for being our photographer for the night and for the quick turnaround!)
I know that Tom and I thanked all of you on Twitter and Facebook but I just wanted to give a little more love to all of the people that helped us pull off such a fantastic event! Ross, Samantha, Tony and Debbie, ILF Jared, Brian, Alix, Shelby, and anyone else that I’m forgetting – THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!
It’s a fact that we would not be this far along as independent broadcasters if we did not have the friends and quality support staff that surrounds us. I know that we have the best listeners in the world. I know it. The fact that you guys directly support the show and keep it running certainly makes us the most unique media outlet that Orlando has ever seen! We wouldn’t have it any other way!
Last but far from least – a very special thanks and pile of hugs and kisses to our wonderful wives that worked themselves and our unborn children to death selling merch! We are beyond lucky to have them and they are cursed to have us!
Love to you all,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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