Oct 26
Show #183 – Swamp Thing (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
We have a completely EXTRA loaded show for you guys today! In case you were wondering about our awesome friend, Tiffany Martin from the band “Dollface“, well…we’ve got the scope! Make sure and listen to the first hour of the show completely dedicated to #AMT’s greatest guest EVER! (This was decided over many, many beers and many events where Tiffany helped us out. She’s truly a wonderful person…friend for life!) Please support her: @TiffWorld on Twitter and HERE on Facebook. Thanks to our friend Earl Funk from Trinity Tattoo for coming in and discussing graffiti and tattoos with us. He’s rad…support him.
We’ll see you guys next week…
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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