Sep 29
740-See Ya at Sniffies
Annoy Your Friends
1. **Concert Woes**: Tom’s less than enthusiastic anticipation for the NOFX show.2. **Venue Gripes**: A collective groan about the Orlando Ampitheater, hailed as possibly the worst venue they’ve experienced.3. **Staycation Tales**: Tom & Dan share their candid reviews about the Grand Bohemian.4. **Orlando Underbelly**: Delving into the concerns over downtown gang issues.5. **Home Nomo**: Exploring what it’s all about and its implications.6. **The Unpleasant**: A curious investigation into Feces gate and the notorious Doodoo Alley.7. **A Mural of Mischief**: The mystifying case of the “Doodoo dot the wall”.8. **Cameo Scams**: The segment “Cameo Scameo” where Tom & Dan unpack the latest in celebrity video message frauds.9. **Digital Realm**: A brief mention of the humorous “KnockedUpAndNaked.com”.10. **Granny’s Secrets**: Dan’s adventurous infiltration into a peculiar granny site.11. **Scented Surprises**: Sniffies – What’s it all about?12. **Economic Trivia**: A light-hearted look at “Pump and dump”.13. **Ticket Turbulence**: Tommy’s innovative yet confusing ticket system gets a mention.14. **Fantasy vs Reality**: Ending on a fun note, Tom & Dan brainstorm about solving fantasy crimes.—**Stay Connected:**– [Website: Tom & Dan](https://tomanddan.com/)– [Twitter: Tom & Dan on Twitter](https://twitter.com/tomanddanlive) – [Facebook: Tom & Dan on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/AMediocreTime) – [Instagram: Tom & Dan on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/tomanddanlive/) **Tune In & Turn Up:**– [Apple Podcasts: A Mediocre Time with Tom & Dan](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre- time-with-tom-and-dan/ id308614478) – [Google Podcasts: A Mediocre Time with Tom & Dan](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/ aHR0cHM6Ly9hbWVkaW9jcmV0aW1lLm xpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz?sa=X&ved= 2ahUKEwj6x-_ il7mBAxX2moQIHRosAQwQ9sEGegQIA RAC) – [TuneIn: A Mediocre Time with Tom & Dan](https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre- Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-p393884/ ) **A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan:**– [Apple Podcasts: A Corporate Time with Tom & Dan](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-corporate- time-with-tom-and-dan/ id994667625) – [Google Podcasts: A Corporate Time with Tom & Dan](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/ aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5saWJzeW4uY2 9tLzYxOTc2L3Jzcw?sa=X&ved= 2ahUKEwj6x-_ il7mBAxX2moQIHRosAQwQ9sEGegQIA RAD) – [TuneIn: A Corporate Time with Tom & Dan](https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Corporate- Time-with-Tom-and-Dan- p1836090/) **Unlock the BDM Vault:**– [Join the BDM crew at BDM Registration](https://tomanddan.com/registration) for extra shows, OG episodes, and private BDM parties. **Rock Our Swag:**– [Elevate your style with the latest Tom & Dan merchandise](https://tomanddan.myshopify.com/) **Join the Live Stream Party:**– Experience our daily live streams on [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/tomanddanlive) or [YouTube](https://www.youtube. com/user/amediocretime). **Discover Tom & Dan Watering Holes:**– [Check out Tom & Dan Watering Holes](https://www.tomanddanwateringholes.com/) and elevate your hangout experiences. Dive into a world of delightful food and beverages, all while bonding over shared listening experiences.
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