Jul 06
Wednesday Musings – Founders, AGGTM, and App Changes.
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there kids!
I hope that this blog finds you well. I’m here at the studio trying to wake up – sucking down Diet Mountain Dew or “diet mtn Dew” as it’s stylized on the bottle – attempting to wake up.
I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to stick with this but I thought it might be kind of nice if I gave you guys a peek behind the scenes and an update week to week on things that might be going on at the studio. This webpage and the blog feature here is really something that Tom and I both neglect. Truth be told, we’re just over worked and there’s not much time for it. Wednesdays are one of our more “clerical” days in that we really only have to record for Orlando City SoccerCast and that’s about it. Lately, Steven Kramer has been coming into the studio early on Wednesdays and we’ve been front loading the “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” shows. (Which we all know have become more than just that.) Try as we might to have a direction, we always seem to get off the subject and into trouble. Hopefully you guys are enjoying them as much as we are and if we happen to fall on a style tip every now and again, that’s cool too.
AGGTM – Let Them Eat Steak!
Expect a new “AGGTM” to be released before noon. I think in this particular episode we discussed waiting tables at high-end steakhouses and whether or not the service is worth the price. You can probably guess that Tom is not a fan and which way he goes in this argument. It’s a pretty damned funny show and we hope that you enjoy it.
Founders Update
The wall that has no plaque. Boo.
No really. We’re still doing it. This week we’re going to deliver all of the pictures to our good friends over at The Danger Brain for some seriously rad branding. The idea is to make this piece of branding or the “commemoration plaque” the center point of our studio and something really heartfelt to all of you that helped offset the cost of building this place out. I’ve got a few ideas of how I would like it to look and I’m sure The Brains have a nice direction that they’d like to take the design in. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you have not already sent your Founder’s picture to Tony – this is the absolute last call. We’ve been dragging our feet on this Founders deal and I’m actually a little embarrassed that we were not able to get this plaque squared away a long time ago. I mean let’s be honest – we’ve been in the new studio for months and we have really dropped the ball on getting this done. To those of you who are Founders, I’m really, really, really sorry. Hopefully this plaque will be so rad that you’ll forgive the delay.
Android App Issues and More
So the new “Tom and Dan Mediocre App” has been out for a few weeks now and the response that we’ve received has been terrific. We know that there are still issues on the Android side and please know that we’re working on those. One of the best things that you can do if you’re having issues, is fill out this information form.
The more information that we can gather about the certain devices that are having problems, the easier it will be for the developers to figure out whats going on. I know many of you have already done this but if you’re reading this and have not – please know that it really does help. With that said, the issues that we’ve already mentioned like “live stream” playback not working when your screen goes to sleep – a signout button for BDM members – and added “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” shows are all currently being worked on. As with anything, it’s going to be a process and we look forward to making it better and better for you.
Have a fantastic Wednesday and hopefully you’ll get another one of these posts next week. Or maybe I’ll just abandon it because Tom and I are both pushed to brink and don’t have time to even take a dump or hug our families.
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