May 18
“Tom and Dan Cruise – 2015″
Annoy Your Friends
Just a quick and heartfelt note to all of the listeners that joined us on this years “Tom and Dan Cruise.”
I’ve been on shitloads of cruises. SHITLOADS. (My wife, Andrea, has been on far more than me – trumps me by about 20 or so…) With that said, I have never – NEVER – NEVER – NEVER – cruised with a finer group of listeners. No drama. No issues. Nothing but fun and a fantastic time had by all! You guys are the best and never cease to amaze me with your kindness to each other, dedication to what we’re creating here, and humor. BEST. LISTENERS. IN. THE. WORLD.
Hands fucking down!
It’s because of all of you that we’re able to do cool things like this and get to know each other!
Tom and I would like to personally thank all of you!
Oh man…and we’re just getting started!
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