Mar 13
#TBT – Strange…the YouTube hole…
Annoy Your Friends
It’s “Throw Back Thursday” and I owe you kids a blog for today.
(Tom and I have been trying to get better at doing this. We really do enjoy blogging but we’ve just been running out of time.)
A listener asked me to send him the uncensored version of the “We Mak’n Turk’y Burgers” song/video and these videos popped up in my blog. I’d never seen them but I’m really glad that I did. Repeat. I’ve never heard this before. At least not with a clear mind. But I’m glad that I went back and revisited it.
I’ll just say it one more time…but I know that I have before.
Thomas Vann is a great man and I appreciate the fact that he was a voice for me. It really did and still does mean more than maybe he’ll ever know. So…in response to it, I’ll post both the videos that I wandered upon, AND the “uncensored” We’re Mak’n Turk’y Burgers” video. (That bullshit is perfect for cleansing your pallet.)
The coolest part is that this is life and all part of this amazing process and journey that we’re on. Personally, I would like for you to experience both the OUTSTANDING and the not so fun potions of what we have go through. It just makes it more real. Trust me when I say that “authenticity” is the MOST underrated quality that’s bounced around these days. In fact, I believe that there’s a massive deficit of it. So…squirm a little bit. It’s good for you. It’ll grow hair on your chest. (Ladies. There’s no need to watch. We don’t need hairy tits.)
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