Oct 13
“Studio Founders” UPDATED INFO!
Annoy Your Friends
We will go LIVE with 129 more spots at 1:59pm this afternoon. You guys slammed the site so hard that only 30 people we’re actually able to get involved. We’re going to open it a little wider because demand, emails, and feedback has been insane! This will allow for us to do far more for the studio and for the show. (Takes breath…) Man I’m stressed.
Copied from Facebook and the BDM Section.
All of this is new to us and we’re just trying to make sure that the new studio exceeds every expectation possible and that we can cater to almost all of you that wanted to help “found” the studio. This is a massive deal to us and you guys are the best! Please know that and know that this went a little more off the rails more than expected.
This DID NOT go as planned.
I’m not going to try and sugar coat anything but I think that you guys buttfucked the site and it caused a few issues. With said mentioned “buttfucking”, this should have not…repeat…SHOULD NOT have gone live until 10am today. As you can see, we’re still an hour or so away from that so imagine my concern to wake up with only 31 spots left! I almost shit my boxers.
So…here’s what we’re going to do…
We’ve got a bit and by bit I mean ASSLOAD of back tracking to do to make sure that all 30 spots were filled and credit card payments worked correctly. I know that some people were double charged because they got anxious. That’s all good. I will monitor and give refunds when needed while picking up the hair that’s falling out of my head and scattering all over my computer keyboard. Currently I have a huge clump stuck to the spacebar.
I talked to a very sleep deprived Thomas Vann this morning and we’re going to possibly open this up to a full 159 “Studio Founders” spots. That would mean that there will be 100+ more spots open later today. If everything goes as planned – they would be announced to BDM’s first – followed by the “A Mediocre Time” page just like the original plan…that obviously did not go so well.
Sorry again for any issues or hurt feelings. I’m sensitive and hate all of that. We really just want to attempt to make everyone happy and cater to the listeners who have made us IMHO – the best comedy show in Central Florida.
All love,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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