Oct 09
Show #591 – Proud To Be An American
Annoy Your Friends
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Hey there gang…
All of us here at the studio hope that this podcast finds you well. It’s strange out there, right? Little bit! People are all on edge. I get it. I get it. We all are. There’s a ton of sh*t going on. It’s fine. Put some dirt on it.
On this week’s show:
* Butler’s proton pack
* Bolo hat
* Don’t stomp the old man’s mountains
* Toni is an American citizen
* Toni changed his last name
* Ross’ POS news
* Nobel peace prize
* Country singer canceled from SNL
* Russian journalist set herself on fire
* Space force soldiers
* Double mantle
* Ross looks like Volleyball Keith Raniere
* Tom wants to brand Sam
* Mexican Street Cornpole
* Hunter’s Creed trailer
* Brady lost count of the downs
* Dan ruined Andrea’s bday
* Tom fixed Spidey…
Ok. Well, hey…we know that things are strange right now and many of you email the show and let me know that we really help you through these strange days. First of all, that really means a great deal to all of us. That’s the reason that we do it. Well, that…that and the fact that we can make money. Money’s good. Have a great weekend, guys. And as Tom says, “Stay safe out there.” – d
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