Jan 13
Show #503 – Hot Tub Tom Machine
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there, gang!
I hope that these show notes find all of you well on this amazingly odd – sort of cold – sort of not – Sunday! The entire “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” team is in the studio today because we need to front load shows for Tom’s trip to Colorado. Needless to say, we don’t like “Best Of” but we do love recording so we’re going to crank out some nice shows for your cats!
On this week’s show:
- Time for Slaves song
- Tommy is going to be the snitch for T&D about Maisie and Max
- Snowboarding/Skiing
- Giving kids up for adoption older
- Lying about your kids’ age at theme parks, etc
- Busdeker’s childhood
- Would you do meth?
- Trash dirt from the dump
- Picking things out of the trash
- CGI/Photoshop in pornos
- Madonna’s booty implants
- Tub’s Up- Tom’s FB group for the hot tub community
- Hot tub Tom and Jacuzzi Jess
- Calling the cops/non-emergency number
- Banishing words
- Spreading ashes
Thanks to everyone who actually caught the show live on Twitch. If that’s something that you’ve never done, hit up www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive and you can watch all of our past shows. And if you don’t have our app, search for “Tom and Dan” or “Mediocre App” in any of the App stores and you can snag that. It’s the absolute best and easiest way to listen to the show and ALL of our content is on there. BDM shows and even “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” shows are on there and you can even leave us voicemail messages.
Have a wonderful Sunday and we’ll talk to all of you on Monday. Or tomorrow. Hahaha…
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