May 11
Show #470 – We Da Best Pappas!
Annoy Your Friends
Hi. Dan here.
What a week. This has been one of the most tumultuously stressful weeks that T&D Media has ever seen. Truly. But so is business, and so is life. When you can’t control every aspect, roadblocks are bound to happen. They make you more focused, more cautious, and healthy.
On this week’s show:
-Texas Ranger whiskey and AIDS clip
-Bang! Energy drink
-Doctor vs. paintball man
-A paintball pimple
-Car umbrellas
-Black passy
-Tom’s theory= People are inclined to listen to people more that look like them
-Hog the helicopter pilot
-Desperate Amateurs
-DJ Khaled d*ck stanks
-We da best pappas!
-I’ve got my underwear on!
-Tom split his pants cleaning out his gutters
Thanks so much for supporting the show and have a fantastic weekend.
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