Jul 15
Show #427 – Seman Cereal Bowl
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there folks,
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to hang out with us yesterday! I think we’re really getting the hang of this 360-cam stuff and it’s sort of fun to see the entire AMTStudio3 all at one time. I hope you guys are digging it and as time goes on, please know that we’ll try to make it better and better.
So, our charity foot-golf tournament is coming up and we’re excited about all who are going to play in it! If you haven’t already checked out the site, please do HERE: TomandDanGiveBack.com – We think that it’s going to be one hell of a good time and the best part is that all money raised goes to benefit The Yellow Brick Road Foundation. Feel free to check the link if you want to find out a little more info of how these cats are helping sick kids in need. All you have to do is bid on the person that you’d like to play with and you and two of your friends will play with that friend of the show! Super easy and all for a wonderful cause.
On yesterday’s show:
-Tom and Dan Foot Golf tournament www.tomanddangiveback.com
-Cleaning fees
-Semen cereal bowl
-Synthetic urine
-Peeing on your engine
-Damage control group texts
-Pop pop blood pressure talk
-Coco Loko
-Sammy Sosa is pink
Thanks again to all of you who caught us live and thanks to all who have downloaded. Wishing you guys nothing but the best this weekend and we’ll talk to you on Monday!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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