Jun 09
Annoy Your Friends
Well…I’m, personally, taking another trip around the sun.
As I type this, it’s the “week-eve” of me turning 41 and it’s only me and Tom left in the studio. He’s in his office working on some client billing and whatnot and I’m trying to get this show out for you – ASAP. Apologies for doing the show on a Thursday, but we’re both hightailing it out of town and we’re going to try and take a little time off this weekend. Also, my daughter’s birthday is 3 days after mine so the trip and celebration are certainly more for her and not me. I’ve done this enough.
Today we were graced with the presence of none other than one of our favorite comedians, Dan Cummins. For those of you that don’t know, Dan has a podcast called “Time Suck.” Besides being an extremely funny comic, Dan is a hella smart dude and most of the content that he gets into on his ‘cast is just that – smart shiz. We really think that you’ll like it and if you haven’t already checked it out, please do. He’s the man.
On this week’s show:
-Dan Cummins is HERE!
-Tom can’t hear
-JFK theories
-The dark web
-Dan Lackofflatulance
-Sex robots
-Professional drunk driving
-Gummy bear reviews
-Preacher Lawson from “America’s Got Talent”
On that note, I would like to personally thank all of you for taking the time to download, listen to, and support our little podcast. We love bringing this to you each week and we hope that you have just as much fun listening to it as we have to create it for you. And on that note, I’m going to get my behind home, pack the car to leave for tomorrow’s birthday trip to Disney!
All love, guys!
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