Jul 02
Show #373 – Ticket FAIL
Annoy Your Friends
No show is going to be absolutely perfect and just when you think that you’ve hit your stride – “SH*T HAPPENS.” Although we know that many of you will enjoy today’s show – Tom and I were less than impressed. It was a perfect case of just trying to squeeze WAY too much into one show. We had Seth, we had guests, we had an Indian princess, we had a ticket challenge, we had emails, we had news, we had phones that had been tested directly before the beginning of the show – and then we had them FAIL. It’s everything that you love and everything that we hate – all rolled into one show. Hey – they’re not going to be winners but we’ll just dust ourselves off and hit it again next week! Thanks to Samantha and Ross for always doing such a great job! And thanks to Seth from “The Jungle Orlando” for stopping by and always making us laugh!
If you don’t already have our new version of the “Tom and Dan Mediocre App”, please make sure that you either download the new version or update your device. We do know that this app is NOT going to work with ALL Android devices and we have been working on that and should have a new update very, very soon. Apologies guys. We’re really trying and please know that this app is going to be updated on the regular with new features and new patches so everyone will be able to join in the fun and use it.
On today’s show:
-Ross is back today!
-Seth sits in with us
-Ross left his kids with birds
-Mediocre Messages
-Things to j*** off with
-Ross’ summer adventures with his kids
-Eating on the toilet
-Emily- Cherokee tribal member
-Ticket challenge with Seth
-Ross’ news
As always, Tom and I appreciate all of your support and patience as we continue to figure out this whole “we podcast for a living” thing. Today was a bit discouraging but there are always going to be days like this. This is all part of it and hopefully you guys a few laughs out of our distress. Sometimes there nothing more funny than “the real” and today you got to hear a “mad Tom” and an “obsessed with his phones not working” Dan.
There it is!
Have a great weekend and an even better holiday!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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