Jan 01
Show #347 – Ricochet-NickLachey
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there kids! We’re in the new studio and I’ve got to tell you – IT’S AMAZING!!! We could not have done any of this without you LISTENERS – the best – REPEAT – THE BEST LISTENERS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. SERIOUSLY. There’s no other way to put it. We have the opportunities to hang out with and drink with you guys and we know. We are so, so, so, so, SO happy to have all of you along with us for THIS ride. Special thanks to both Ross and Samantha for always getting our backs and helping to make things happen. A better 3rd and 4th mic do not exist in the game. I think that we;ve done this long enough to say that. With that said – on to the show. On today’s show:
-In the new studio!!!
-Tom didn’t put up his chin up bar, but did smoke a cigarette
-The wives are here
-Let him earn arms
-Crystal told their neighbor Tom’s name wasn’t Paul
-Parenting Purge
-Infected ball water
-PXL 2000
-Rats on a plane
-High school pubes
-Little something to chew on
-Vampire left the window open
-Shooting guns in the air
-Ricochet/Nick Lachey
-Tom doesn’t listen to women
-Dick root
-Mercy- Dan breaks Sam’s hand
-Blowing your nose
-Tommy long Taint
So we’re not done yet. The new studio is running about about 75% but we’re going to work hard and hard to get it to 100%! We also can’r wait to get all of you “Founders” in here to take an up close and personal look at everything that we’ve been working on. If you’re looking for that’s “behind the scenes” type of deal – that’s exactly what you’re going to get. We really think that you’re going to dig it! Guys – it’s getting late and I have so much more that I’d like to type to you but the wife and babe are waiting on me and it’s time to get out of here. Please know how much Tom and I love all of you. It can’t get anymore real than that. Period.
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