Jan 09
Show #296 – Sonogram Crackers
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there scumbags!
Happy Friday to all of you and welcome to “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” Tom and I have a ton of events going on so you’re definitely going to want to check out the “Events” page of TomandDan.com. With that said – on this week’s AMT:
Being Invisible
Cosby’s Calming Powers
Kid Rock = Stingy Hair Rat Man
Sonogram Crackers
Dating as an Adult
Regional “Real Man”
Dan Wanted to Buy a Playgirl
Thanks to all of you for downloading and supporting the show. If you want to be a part of Samantha’s bachlorette party, you’re definitely going to want to sign up to be a BDM member. Plus – we’re in the middle of our “BDM Billboard Campaign” and we want all of you that really enjoy the show to get the change to be on our billboards. Make sure that you sign up and then email us a picture of you! There are too many details to share here but just go to TomandDanContest.com and you’ll get everything there.
All the best,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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