Oct 31
Show #286 – Carlos Mencia
Annoy Your Friends
First of all, thanks to all of you for taking the time to download and support the show. Tom and I have had a ton of stuff going on lately and we’re really excited about some of the newer things that should make light in the next couple of months. We think that you’re really going to like what’s going on.
With all of that said, never before have we had a guest on the show that seemed to be more polarizing than comedian Carlos Mencia. We knew that going in but I guess what was the most surprising was the fact that a lot of people weren’t even interested in anything that the guy had to say. Nothing.
I’m pretty proud of our interview and the fact that we did not shy away from anything and we let him tell his side. I don’t think it was our place to say who’s right or who’s wrong; that’s not our world. (If you’d like to talk radio hacks – I can do that all day long. Seriously. Haha…) Carlos told his side of the “joke stealing” deal and you can choose to either believe him or not. This is going to sound a little F’d up but I could care less about the whole thing. I did get the feeling that everyone wanted us to attack him right out of the box but I’m not sure what that would have accomplished other than just alienating the good relationship that we’ve been able to forage as an indie show with the Orlando Improv venue. We’re not here to be corporate shills either but I thought the interview, like him or not, was compelling and different side of what most of us have already been told. At least we can say that at one time we sat down with the most hated comic in the world. Of corse WE’RE talking about Ross. 😉 We’ll see you kids next week!
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