• Apr 05

    Show #206 – Phone Sex…EXPOSED! (Show Recap…)


    Annoy Your Friends

      phone_sex copy

      Today we had the pleasure of fulfilling a lifelong podcast dream of interviewing a woman who is a phone sex operator. Now, that’s not to say that we didn’t have a blast with Ross’ news (which we did) but we could hardly contain ourselves with the thought that we were going to get to speak to “Candy” who works for an unnamed phone sex company. Who knew? Who knew that phone sex was still not only popular but that their fiscal numbers were currently going through the room because of the individuality of the experience! We have a ton of fun chatting with her about her job, what most people are into, and what are some of the stranger things that she’s experienced as an operator. We do start the show off with fantastic news from Ross, a visit from our favorite intern Samantha, and a call from beloved Vegan “scumbags.” It was a fantastic show! As always, thanks for downloading, listening, subscribing and rating us 5-stars on iTunes. We’ll see you guys next week!


      Posted By dan on April 5 2013 | Comments (1 )


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