Aug 09
Show #172 – Scoop Froggy Frog (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
You might have noticed that we named today’s show “Scoop Froggy Frog” and that has everything to do with Jeremiah’s Italian Ice. Thanks very much to Jeremiah’s and all of their staff for sending over some of their World Famous ices for us to try. (Scoop Froggy Frog happens to be my wife’s favorite so trust me when I tell you that you’ve made her a very happy gal…) If you “scumbags” haven’t been there well then do us one solid and make sure and check out the place…they’re fantastic!
Oh and sorry that this show is on a Thursday. Tom is going out of town for some advanced dive training and we needed to move it up a bit. Everything will be back to normal next week.
On today’s show:
D cutting robot
The bonus barber show
Scuba Advanced Class
Jeremiah’s Italian Ice
Tom’s U-Turn
Dad cleans your room
“I like guns.”
Pussy Riot
Dress better, please!
Arizon Flatts
Thanks as always for listening band for passing the show along word of mouth. We’ll see you guys next week…
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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