Jun 01
Show #162 – Wedding Photog’s and calls galore. (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
Hello kids…thanks for downloading.
First things first…for those of you that were thinking about getting a shirt or a hat from www.TomandDan.com, you can now get double the shirts! Order one shirt or a hat and get a free Danger Brain shirt while supplies last! They’re pretty rad shirt too…I’ve got one on right now! (Totally not kidding…) Thanks to Nate from Studio222Photography for not only shoot pictures of us today but also telling us a few photography stories. We’ll put those pictures on the blog as soon as we can. Prepare to be impressed.
On today’s show:
Dan’s Twitter Fighter Glenn Hefner’s son calls.
“Bring me the black towel.”
“Air Force boot camp is basically kissing guys.”
Ben from Atlanta
Marc Maron and Killer Beaz
The PO Box
Tom’s Grandpa = Stoplight King
“What’s Up Granny?”
Wedding Photographers are RIGHT!!!
Tom’s lesbian wedding.
Thanks as always for listening and for taking the time to download and support us during this time. Don’t forget about the extra shirts and we’ll see you in a week!
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