Feb 10
Show #148 – Tom and Dan and *Nsync (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
(Chris and my wife’s sticker on the ‘fridge.)
All love and special thanks to Chris Kirkpatrick and Khamelien for stopping by AMT studios today! Tom and I had wanted to get Chris on the show for a while now and it was cool to sit down and just shoot the sh*t with the guy…ask whatever and talk about flaming girl t*ts off too! (Sorry this is censored…we put this description and rundown on iTunes too…don’t want to do anything that’s going to make “the man” mad.) The notes for today’s show are all over the place…but here’s the main idea:
You’ll know what we mean if you start digging into the show. For those of you that like the show in stereo…it looks like I’m going to be replacing some cables tomorrow in the AM so I’m sorry that this one is only in mono. I hate it when sh*t goes wrong…hate it more than anything but I’ll have it fixed as soon as I can.
Tom and I truly can’t thank you guys enough for downloading…it really is awesome build the show and this amazing group of people. We hope you enjoy it and we’ll talk with you kids in a week!
Don’t forget…I’ll post the winner of #dildos4dildos in the AM…
See ya,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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