Dec 25
Merry #Snootmas BDM’s! (BDM Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
She’s played “Pie-ano” and pipe organ for almost 40+ years and you can see it in her fingers. A real woman if I’ve ever seen one. I love you Mom! Merry Christmas! With appearances by Andrea “Tity Tits” and Izlee the Dalmatian.
Well…it’s officially #Snootsmas and we’ve got two more shows for you guys that have just posted for all of you #BDM members. If you’re not already a member and would like access to not only a special “#Snootmas 2012 Show” featuring Dan’s Mom, Tom’s Mom and Ross’ children AND our very first “Tom and Dan Holiday Show” sign up now using THIS LINK!
From all of us here at TomandDan.com…THANKS.
It’s been a wild year with great events, great merch, and BEST OF ALL great listeners that we’ve been able to hangout with, talk to on the show, and meet all around the surround areas.
You guys have stuck with us. You’ve rated us 5-Stars on iTunes. You’ve downloaded. You’ve signed up for our “Premium Content” at TomandDan.com. You’ve come to the events and drank with us. You’ve chanted inappropriate things as we’ve flown small helicopters. You’ve taken pictures with the “World Famous Camel Girl.” You’ve taken said pictures for free because you believe in the product. You’ve sent us lotto tickets and strange knives in the mail. You’ve cheered on D-Rugg as he sang the very first LIVE version of “Beat that Pussy Down.” You’ve sent us pictures of you wearing our hoodies, shirts, and hats. You places our stickers on your cars, boats, and children’s heads. You left us amazingly funny voicemails and comments.
…most of all…you believe in what we’re doing. This is what I do now and from the bottom of my heart…I love you guys and can’t thank you enough for your support, letters, emails, and Facebook comments. 2012 was fantastic but ended in a strange position for us. 2013 is going to be insane and SO much better! I can promise you that we’re going to make it 100 times more amazing and more fun. Remember when it used to be organic and fun? We’re bringing that back…
…and we’re glad that you’re riding shotgun in the “Mediocre Go-kart!” (What the F ever happen to that thing? Tom…wanna shed a little light on this?)
With much love and Big Dick Snoots…
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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