Dec 26
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Annoy Your Friends
Dan here.
Coming at you from the Dennis Family kitchen table. As I type this I have a toddler throwing herself on the ground and begging for “more milk.” Sadly we’ve already hit our bovine juice quota for the day and I sent Momma away so I can take the brunt of this one and just ride it out. We’re in the tantrum stage. Ain’t life grand! Haha…
Black Christmas…am I right? Hahaha. I don’t think that we’ve ever had a show that was more polarizing and that’s pretty fucking rad!
Tom and I hope that all of you have a very wonderful holiday season and I just wanted to take a little time to thank all of you for your support throughout this year of 2016. This was a pretty exciting year for us considering we got a brand new studio curtesy of our “Tom and Dan Founders.” The one hundred and fifty-nine of you believed in the product enough to put extra skin in the game and for that we will never, ever, EVER forget you. You made it possible for me to get our simple studio out of my home and give some much needed space to my growing family. Andrea and Maisie Dennis thank you. You also gave us one of the best looking and most comfortable broadcast studios ever and we never tire of the compliments that we receive from comedians and others guest who come in to appear on the show. That is 100% because of you guys and I hope you know how much we care for all of you. Truly.
We have so many people that deserve multitudes of thanks – included but not limited to Ross, Samantha, Tony, Erik (our “Merchmun”), MediJocre, and Jack Bradshaw. I’m sure that I’m missing a few if not a lot of people but these are the only ones that I can seem to conjure up while this toddler screams at the top of her lungs. The team of people that we work with is concentrated and small but personally I don’t think there are any better in the podcasting game. From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys so much for all that you do.
I’ve typed out posts like this before and in an attempt to not repeat myself, I’m just going to keep the ending to this really simple; we have the best listeners in the world. More engaged – more loyal – more participatory – more generous – more caring. Simply the best and it is for that reason that you all make me so proud to be doing what I’m doing. I’ve been a professional broadcaster for almost 20 years and it was only in the last 4 that I found my true work passion and love. Thanks to you all and the Happiest of Holidays, Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Three Kings Day, St. Lucia Day or Ramadan…who cares. Just get out there and celebrate the fuck out of it!
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